It’s crucial to realize that no insurance company or agent can ever boast of having the most competitive cost. It is due to the fact that rates are constantly changing. When looking for insurance, you are usually looking at a single moment in time. The insurance company you think is most suitable at the time could not necessarily be the top for you later on. Independent insurance companies are described in three different perspectives that are: car, home, independent insurance. Best way to sign up is to sign-up online. Sign up on the internet to become a captive agent. It is possible to call an 800 number, and. obtain insurance on your own. Liberty Mutual is a good example of how to enroll yourself easily. There is a local branch for captive organizations. If you phone these agencies for insurance, and they will explain what insurance is offered by their firm. A private agency can establish connections with several agencies. They have different relationships with different companies. Different agencies work with different numbers of companies. There is no competition in an agency that is captive. The captive agency could have many companies with whom they partner with. i313xzcl39.