3 Types of Scrunchies – Ceremonia GNP

Mama Project, a popular YouTube channel dedicated to crafting instructs you on how to create three types of scrunchies.

The first step is to use the standard scrunchie. Find a 55×10 inch section of fabric and 20cm of elastic. Then, sew 5 cm across the edges and on the front of the fabric. Turn the fabric over to create tubes. Utilize a small or chopstick to reverse the fabric, if your fingers are too big. Create a circle using sewing. The elastic band should be attached. For the effect of scrunching, push the fabric inwards and place the elastic band. Sew the hole. Find any loose threads.

Pom pom scrunchies look similar to ordinary scrunchies, except they require 30 pom-poms in addition to your elastic band. Mama Project recommends transparent fabrics to help the pom-poms come out. Place the pom-poms inside the tube after having completed it. With the help of the scrunchie, they’ll begin shifting around.

A third kind of scrunchie is one with the lace. It requires the same material similar to a regular scrunchie, but with 60 centimeters of cotton lace. The lace must be pinched lacing to the edges of the fabric prior to sewing. As you sew, take off the pins. jtactevde1.

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